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Polish candies are so delicious that it makes impossible to say no to them! Sliwka Naleczowska, Krowki Milanowskie, Kukulki, Barylki, Mieszanka Wedlowska, Trufle and many others - you will find detailed descriptions below. But words are not good substitutes for their heavenly taste! You may purchase them here, in our online grocery store and try them yourself. Strong Warning: they may be addictive!

Results 1 - 14 of 14

Sliwka naleczowska - Prunes in Chocolate

Weight: 0.77 LB
Delicious dried prunes covered with chocolate in a decorative celophane bag. Unforgettable taste!

Ptasie mleczko - Bird`s Milk

Weight: 0.85 LB
Chocolate covered, incredibly delicate and delicious marshmallows, available in three great flavors: lemon, vanilla and chocolate.

Michaszki. Filled chocolates

Weight: 0.49 LB
Chocolates filled with arachides.

Marcepanki - Marzipan

Weight: 0.57 LB
Marcepanki are original marzipan chocolates dipped in high quality chocolate.

Kukulki -

Weight: 0.22 LB
Very popular caramel candies with cocoa filling and a touch of liqueur.

Raczki - Nut Caramels

Weight: 0.27 LB
Crispy crunch caramel candies with a nut filling.

Krowki Milanowskie - Milk Fudge Candies

Weight: 0.66 LB
Very popular vanilla milk fudge candies from Milanowek in Poland. Individually wrapped. Weight 300 g.

Barylki czekoladowe z likworem - Chocolate Figures with Liquor

Weight: 0.50 LB
Barrel-shaped chocolate desserts with alcohol filling, individually wrapped.

Chalwa Krolewska - Royal Halva

Weight: 0.55 LB
One of the most famous delicacies by "E. Wedel Company". Made from vanilla flavored sesame pulp.

Trufle w czekoladzie - Truffles in Chocolate

Weight: 0.50 LB
Original French and champagne truffles. In a decorative box and individually wrapped.

Mieszanka wedlowska czekoladowa - Chocolate Candy Mix by Wedel

Weight: 0.78 LB
Mix of individually wrapped chocolate bonbons in seven flavors, packed in cellophane bag. Among those candies you will find famous"Bajeczny" and"Pierrot".

Chalwa Krolewska z Bakaliami - Royal Halva with Cocoa & Nuts

Weight: 0.55 LB
One of the most famous delicacies by "E. Wedel Company". Made from vanilla flavored sesame pulp with cocoa, nuts and raisins.

Krowki Milanowskie Czekoladowe - Milk Fudge Candies Chocolate Flavor

Weight: 0.66 LB
Very popular vanilla milk fudge candies chocolate flavored from Milanowek in Poland.

Bajeczny - Milk Chocolate with Waffles and Nuts.

Weight: 0.22 LB
Milk Chocolate Bar filled with hazelnuts, peanuts and waffle pieces. Name means "fabulous" and fabulous it is!

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