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Prince Polo Classic - Crunchy Waffles


Weight: 2.40 LB

Prince Polo chocolate wafers are said to be "impulse buys" because Poles so often buy them at the spur of the moment.  Research suggests Poland pioneered these wafer sweets.  Why are they so popular?  Some of it has to do with the era of Poland under communism when wafers were produced by many small private establishments.  They were thus readily available and used to prepare homemade desserts – including the very popular "Tort a la Pischinger"'

Several generations of Poles grew up on the familiar taste of Prince Polo’s chocolate wafers.  Interestingly, not only Poles.  Produced since the 1950s, the wafers were exported to many countries in Central and Eastern Europe, but gained their greatest popularity in Iceland.  While Poles imported Icelandic herring, Icelanders could not get enough Prince Polo.  Forty years ago, the average Icelander consumed at least a kilogram of Prince Polos every year!  Several years ago, the Icelandic Prime Minister suggested that a whole generation of Icelanders grew up on them.  These wafers are still doing well today. 

Very popular candy bars - waffles filled with cocoa cream, covered with chocolate, individually wrapped. 56 pieces in a box. Total weight: 34.2 OZ (980 G)

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