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Small bakeries in the Polish neighborhood of Greenpoint preserve centuries of bread and cake baking traditions and revive those wonderful old flavors in a variety of breads – so different from American supermarket products - and tasty cakes mostly based on country holiday recipes.  They are all natural without any preservatives added.

Results 1 - 9 of 9

Makowiec - Poppy Seed Cake (Noblemen Style)

Weight: 1.10 LB
A traditional Polish cake, especially popular during the Christmas and Easter seasons. The richer and more sophisticated version.

Keks - Polish Fruit Cake

Weight: 1.50 LB
Delicate delicious cake filled with dried fruits.

Chleb Wiejski - Country Bread

Weight: 1.32 LB
Fully hand made, nicely formed round loaf of rye & wheat bread. From Staropolska Bakery in Polish neghborhood of Greenpont in Brooklyn, NY.

Chleb Staropolski - Old Poland Rye Bread

Weight: 1.10 LB
Small loaf of typical Polish rye bread, more tasty crust. Made at Staropolska Bakery in the Polish neighborhood of Greenpoint in Brooklyn, NY.

Chleb Razowy Babuni - Granny's Dark Rye Bread

Weight: 1.50 LB
Traditional rye dark bread baked in Polish neighborhood of Greenpoint in New York.

Chleb Litewski - Lithuanian Bread

Weight: 1.00 LB
Semi-dark bread based on old Lithuanian recipes. Made with the finest wheat, rye and malted barley flour.

Chalka - Challah Bread

Weight: 1.50 LB
Special braided bread - specialty of Polish Jews, beloved by Poles. Sweet and soft.

Babka Piaskowa - Sandy Babka

Weight: 1.50 LB
One of the most famous and traditional cakes in Poland called “babka piaskowa” (sandy cake). Very popular and baked for every holiday and other occasions.

Babka Drozdzowa z Serem - Cheese Babka

Weight: 1.00 LB
Traditional yeast Polish babka with white cheese filling.

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  • Monday - Friday: 11AM - 7PM
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed